Saturday, February 16, 2008

Reba, Kelly, and the little Nazis

R&K01Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson played to a sold-out crowd last night at the ASU Convocation Center. Their 15-show tour winds up tonight in Kansas City.

The media was corralled behind a barrier in front of the sound mixing console far, far from the stage and limited to photographing the first two songs.

Naturally, everyone stood during the first two songs and I had to find whatever was handy to stand on to be able to shoot over the heads. It was one of the most irrationally restrictive concert photo setups I've ever seen, aggravated by its enforcement by ordinarily insignificant little people whose temporary authority went to their heads and made them little Nazis.

Even so, I got some fairly decent stuff. Here are a couple of examples. R&K02


  1. It's funny that you called them nazis as that's what we called them in Tupelo the night before when they took my friend's camera away and erased the memory card. Incredible concert though!!

  2. I hope you read my earlier post about recovering images from a presumably "erased" memory card.
    If they gave the card back, you friend can retrieve all of his images.
