Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two trips to Nettleton

I made a couple of trips to Nettleton High School on the city's southeastside yesterday.

The first was to the fieldhouse where I shot football players in the weight room for an illustration to go with a reporter's story on physical fitness concerns in the school district.

net lifter  The second visit was last night when the boys' and girls' basketball teams played Blytheville (pronounced, curiously enough, BLAH-vul) in a gymnasium that was so pathetically small that it looked like something out of early 1950s Indiana, i.e. the movie "Hoosiers."net v bly

nett gymHere's a wide shot. Notice that there are only seven rows of seats. I think the seating on the near side ran a little deeper, but it is clear that basketball is not the Arkansas state religion, as it is in Indiana where we build magnificent temples for our high school basketball teams.New-Castle1 Like, for instance, Chrysler High School in New Castle, Ind., which has the largest fieldhouse in the United States. Seating capacity is 9,000 and change, but as many as 10,000 fans have been jammed into the building on some occasions. Here it is set up for commencement.


  1. What, no pics of the National Guard armory on Main St.(facility for basketball, phys. ed. and band?

  2. Nope. But I remember going to basketball games there as a little kid and going outside with my dad at halftime while he and most of the other guys had a smoke.
    I kinda liked the building until we had to hike over there for phys ed in the winter with the barely heated gym.

  3. Can you imagine them letting kids walk unescorted for four+ blocks, today?
