Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Earthquake Central


Just in case you thought I was kidding about this being a seismically active area, here's this morning's updated earthquake map from this site that tracks earthquake activity in real time.

Notice the cluster of small quakes all up and down the New Madrid Fault.

There was a magnitude 1.3 micro-earthquake at 5:50:03 a.m. CST today 22 miles southeast of here. No, we didn't feel it, but the dogs started stirring about that time.


  1. Yep, and depending upon who you choose to believe, we have less than five years left before the end of the world, or some cataclysmic change, based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends on the Winter Solstice, 2012.
    That would be Dec. 21, or 12/21/12 which is just too elegantly tidy, isn't it?
