Saturday, September 01, 2007

Dinner at South Park Saloon

Dining with BMW friends.
The South Park Saloon is a splendid bar/restaurant on Alma's Main Street.
It has a great frontier ambience and is the town's unofficial social center.
It's Alma's only bar, even though there is another place down the street named Alma's Only Bar, but the AOB is closed and therefore surrenders its title to the South Park Saloon.
The Baloughs and their seven BMW motorcycle guests repaired to the South Park Saloon Friday night for dinner. I had the 12-ounce rib eye with baked potato, corn on the cob and salad, along with a couple of 1554s, a really good dark beer made by the New Belgium brewery, the folks who make the popular Fat Tire beer. (Tim says 1554 is so named because the brewery sent some researchers to Belgium to trace the origins of that particular recipe and it went back all the way to the year 1554. So there.)Oh yeah, I had chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert.
We came back to the chalet and watched the last three episodes of the Long Way Round on DVD before crawling off to bed.

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