Friday, August 31, 2007

Plinking at 13,000 feet

Four of us hauled Tim's arsenal up the mountain to a remote bowl for a little target practice this morning.
Tim's pickup truck was loaded with about a dozen water-filled gallon milk jugs and some wooden targets that we arrayed in a small depression where there was absolutely no chance of any stray shots hurting anyone.
We were shooting at a range of about 25-30 yards and I was surprised that I could hit anything at that range with Tim's .38 special. The real revelation came when he handed me his Taurus .44 Magnum revolver. Suddenly, I was hitting my target about 4 out of 5 times and the results on the plastic milk jugs were spectacular. The Magnum is kind of unwieldy for a concealed carry personal sidearm, but it's a freaking cannon.
Tim also brought along a 12 gauge shotgun and I was reminded once again how painful it can be to shoot one of those things. I was done after two shots. All I remember about it was noise and shoulder pain.
We went down to Fairplay for lunch and I took the opportunity to exchange a denim shirt from the Colorado Mountain Hat Co. They make really high quality cowboy hats - Maria gave me one for Christmas a couple of years ago - and we stopped in to do some hat shopping when we were here last October. We bought a couple of CMHC embroidered long-sleeved denim shirts, but discovered that one of them had short sleeves when we finally opened the shopping bag at home. Maria mailed the shirt to me this week and the exchange was made without hesitation by the co-owner.

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