Thursday, June 22, 2006

Netflix – WTF?

On the recommendation of Maria's parents, we signed up for Netflix a few months ago.
In case you haven't checked it out, Netflix is a mail-order movie rental outfit that charges a flat monthly rate. They send you a DVD with a postage-free return mailer. You keep the movie as long as you like, then mail it back and by return mail they send you the next DVD that you've chosen.
You go online and create a queue of desired DVDs and then work your way down the list. We chose the deal where we pay $15.89 a month for two movies at a time.
The only thing limiting the number of movies you can get in a month is the turnaround time in the mail.
And that's where I'm starting to think they're taking advantage of us.
It's only one mail-day from here to the nearest Netflix distribution center in Indianapolis, but it's taking a lot longer than it should for them to turn the movies around.
I got e-mail from Netflix on Monday that our next two movies should arrive in Tuesday's mail. They did not. They weren't in Wednesday's mail, either.
Since the mailers don't have postmarks, there's no way to know if they really got mailed when Netfilx said they did, but if you multiply an extra couple of days by the number of movies requested, it becomes obvious that we're not getting the number of DVDs that we expected to get each month.
We'll probably stick with them, though, because they have a considerably larger selection than Blockbuster, which is our only real alternative for DVD rentals.
Or, I could run a phone line to our DISH satellite TV receiver and check out their pay-per-view selections...

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