Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Grandma Maria sews for Lisa

Maria's grand-maternal feelings are strong and resonant and she's been dying to make something for granddaughter Lisa to wear.
The last time we were down to Cincinnati to visit Lisa and her parents - on the occasion of Lisa's second birthday - Maria took measurements.
She bought some patterns and some fabric and when Steve stopped by here Monday night en route home from his Uncle Bob's funeral in suburban Chicago, Maria gave him her first creation - a yellow and blue sundress - to take home to Lisa.
Always the dutiful son, Steve e-mailed this and three other photos of Lisa in the dress today with the report that it's a perfect fit, albeit a bit snug in the tummy because Lisa has been eating well lately.
Maria shrieked with delight when she opened her e-mail and saw the photos.
"She's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!" was the appraisal.
So get ready for more dresses, Lisa. Now that Maria has the precise size information, your parents may not have to buy you any new clothes for the rest of the summer.

1 comment:

  1. I know how she feels. I get the same way when I see a piece of my "art" hanging in someone's house.

    It's a pretty pretty dress.
