Monday, February 27, 2006

Operation successful

Maria's hysterectomy went fine and she was out of surgery much sooner than expected.
Her parents and I saw her in the recovery room and she's in great spirits, mainly because of the pain meds and the relief that it's over.
Said she wants to doze and cut me loose to find some breakfast, which I did up the road at McDonald's. Turns out this McD has free Wi-Fi, so I could have brought the laptop.
Now the big challenge will be to make sure she doesn't lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for the next six weeks. That seems an incredibly stringent restriction, considering all of the 10-pound-plus stuff we routinely pick up in the course of an ordinary day.
Fortunately, her camera weighs less than 5 pounds.
We got a call on Saturday from a girl whose senior portrait we shot last fall asking if we could photograph her wedding this coming Saturday night. Yeah, one week's notice. But then she was pregnant when we shot her senior portrait, so you can see that timing is not her strong suit.
Maria, obviously, won't be in any shape to shoot a wedding that soon and the girl has a very limited budget, so I'm going to do her a cheapie abbreviated shoot of the ceremony and reception for $200.
Gotta get out of here now. There's a family with a brutally stupid and noisy grandfather two tables away and I can feel my psychic energy draining away...

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1 comment:

  1. Healing thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery to Maria. It sounds as if things are going very smoothly so far.
    I think though that the tough part wont be in just not lifting things for 6 weeks but maintaining the not lifting and the extra care past the 4 wk mark. Just hang in there and dont get lazy to be strict the last two weeks!!!! Its easy to think everythings 'ok' and skip the last two weeks of being extremely careful.
    Thanks for the updates.
