Friday, February 24, 2006

Counting down

Maria's hysterectomy is set for 8 a.m. Monday and we're getting all of our waterfowl aligned for the surgery and the recovery.
I took a fistful of prescriptions to the drugstore this afternoon and walked out $171 poorer. Could have been worse - the poor bastards without insurance would have paid $427 for the same drugs.
She's been floating on Valium since Wednesday and all of her coworkers have been amazed at how much calmer and unflappable she's been.
I mentioned this morning that I got an e-mail from the state captain of the Patriot Guard Riders about early reports of the death of a soldier from Kokomo in Iraq. The PGR guys, being mostly veterans, call these gigs "missions." So when I told Maria I had a possible mission with the Patriot Guard Riders next week, she dissolved into hysterical laughter. I admit, it does sound like some kids' club - "Mom, Billy and I are going on a mission for Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron..."
Anyhow, at some point she realized she was laughing way out of proportion to the admitted goofiness of the situation and declared herself unfit to drive herself the 19 twisty country miles to work. So I chauffeured her and now I'm sitting in her newspaper office waiting for her to wrap things up and ride home with me.
All of this also serves to remind me that I courted disaster several years ago when my first wife was in a hysterical rage by observing that the word "hysterical" has the same feminine origins as the word "hysterectomy," thereby suggesting that she was being irrationally hormonal.
Needless to say, we are no longer married.
So Maria is preparing to be off work for two, maybe three weeks and I am preparing to cook and feed and fetch and otherwise do for her during her convalescence. She expects to watch a lot of movies on DVD and we're going to sign up with Netflix over the weekend with that in mind.
We dumped cable for DISH satellite TV last summer, but still find we have lots of channels and very little we care to watch. Most evenings, we watch several episodes of Cops - there's something deliciously fun about watching stupid people fucking up - until South Park comes on, and then off to bed.

Sent from my Treo

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