Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oh, yeah. It's not Monday.

I feel like I'm running in sand today - flailing away and not getting anywhere.
I have another aviation piece to write and, of course, I'm deep into procrastination. This one is a no-brainer - a 1,000-word interview with one of the execs of a major aircraft manufacturer. I did the telephone interview last month and haven't even looked at my notes. Just letting the thing marinade in my consciousness until I'm ready to bash it out.
(As I write this, Pete the pup is playing with a golf ball we found on the baseball diamond across the street. He's fascinated with tossing it around the kitchen and watching it roll and bounce on the vinyl floor. Lots of running around and making noise.)
So it was almost a relief to have a good excuse not to write today.
First thing on the agenda was a 9:40 a.m. pre-op meeting with Maria's gynecologist who will perform a long-hoped-for hysterectomy on her next Monday morning. After several years of frustrating non-progress at the hands of her longtime family GP who tried to solve her problems by putting her on the pill and taking her off and putting her back on, Maria went to a real OB/GYN doc and got what we consider the definitive solution.
So we got the prescriptions for the various pain meds and the pre-op briefing this morning. Maria is looking forward with great eagerness to being rid of this semi-constant discomfort and hassle and only has flashes of anxiety about the surgery. It'll be an outpatient affair and they expect to cut her loose to float home on her pain meds by 5 p.m. Her parents are coming along, so I'll have plenty of help.
My job is to keep her comfortable, make sure she takes her meds on time and keep her from returning to activity too soon. I'll also be in charge of meal preparation, which is no big deal for me. I was a bachelor, off and on, for six or seven years and managed not to starve, so I think I can handle a couple of weeks of kitchen duty.
My other big achievement today was to rip Quadrophenia (by The Who, of course) to MP3 format and load it into the SD card in my Treo 600 smartphone. It's a 256 megabyte card and the album only took up 75MB. I'm on the last track of the album at the moment and am pleased to discover the whole thing only took my battery from 100% to 90%. Got me thinking about a 1 gigabyte SD card and all the possibilities.
Yeah, I realize it's nothing compared with my son Steve's 60GB iPod, but it's still pretty good for a cell phone.
It kills me that everyone asks if it's a Blackberry when I whip it out. No, it's a Treo 600 and it does pretty much everything a Blackberry does, only better, plus being a kick-ass Palm PDA. Sorta like riding a BMW and having people call it a Harley.
Now it's time to go see why Pete and his golf ball are so quiet...

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