Friday, February 17, 2006

Breakfast thoughts on a Friday morning

Scanning the MSNBC website over breakfast this morning, I came upon an interview with Robert Redford and a couple of his remarks stood out and reminded me that nobody is right all of the time and nobody is wrong all of the time.

In the "right" category is this observation about the Sundance Film Festival he founded 25 years ago in which he uses a pointles celebrity to make a point:
It was too intense for me. To the outside world, it's a big fat market where you have people like Paris Hilton going to parties. Now, she doesn't have anything to do with anything. I think the festival is close to being out of control.

In the "wrong" category is his Michael Mooresque observation about the current political scene:
Now you pick up the paper and there's a Watergate every day. I don't think anyone's connecting the dots and saying to the public, "Wake up, folks, because you could end up in a totalitarian nightmare, wondering what happened to your country."

Redford, an avid environmentalist, has never made a secret of his disdain for President Bush. So one would suppose that he believes the totalitarian threat is coming from the Republican side of the aisle. I think the party that wants to take away private citizens' guns in the interest of "a safer society" is the one that bears watching and that's not the NRA-endorsed GOP.
But maybe Redford actually meant the Heil Hillary crowd. I'd like to think so.

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