Thursday, February 02, 2012

Barista at work


I’ve wanted one of these green Starbucks Coffee aprons for years.

You can’t buy them from Their online apparel catalog is limited to caps, t-shirts and a hoodie.

But these things have a way of walking away from Starbucks coffee shops and turn up on Ebay. I got mine for eight bucks and change and it arrived yesterday. I felt a little self-conscious putting it on this morning to make my mocha cappuccino. Then I noticed I could wipe my wet hands on it instead of grabbing a paper towel. Aha. Now I get it. Not such a silly idea after all.

Our neighbor, Sophie, goes chalant* for my espresso and I know she’ll howl with laughter the first time she sees me in the apron.

*If non-chalant means casual, then chalant involves spazzing out with enthusiasm.

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