Halfway through a 5,000-mile ride through the West last month, I was visiting my son in Portland, Ore. and he suggested doing a search on Amazon.com for bifocal sunglasses. We did and, voila, the Dr. Dean Edell Invisible Bi-Focal sunglasses turned up. This was on a Monday and I planned to leave for California early Wednesday morning. There were only a few minutes left to get next-day delivery on my order, so there was no time to run down to the drugstore and try on reading glasses to determine the correct power. So I guessed at +2.0. The UPS guy brought them the next day and I was delighted to find I had guessed right. They take all of the hassle out of using my GPS while riding and are a pleasure to use.
I'm ecstatic to have this problem solved so inexpensively.
The only downside is they need soft nosepads for extended wear and are a little awkward for walking around and climbing stairs.
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