Wednesday, July 28, 2021


It's been years, maybe decades, since I bought a new lens. But this month I decided I would like to have a fisheye lens for my new D500.

I did a brief survey of what's available and finally settled on a Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 fisheye lens for about $220.

It arrived yesterday and I did my first shoot with it for publication today in The Lebanon Reporter - a photo of the county jail to accompany a story about an outbreak of Covid among the jail's population.

I'm still learning the new lens - I find I need to under-expose by about 1 f-stop to avoid blowing out the image. I'm puzzled by that, but I'll figure out why over time.

The lens is kind of a one-trick pony and should be used sparingly, but it's a fun toy.

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