Sunday, December 22, 2019

Working hard for egg nog

I had a hankering for some Dean's Egg Nog, the brand I've loved since childhood, and I knew they stocked it at the local Dollar General store.

But when I headed for the car, I thrust my hand into my left front pants pocked and discovered my keys weren't there. A quick review told me they were almost certainly locked in the shed, where I had stashed some items that were taking up space in the kitchen.

But the only key to the padlock on the shed doors is on my keyring and almost all of the tools I need to break into the shed were, likewise, locked inside the shed.

I finally decided the only solution was to take the hinges off of one of the doors, but of course, my impact driver reamed out the grooves on a couple of the 14-year-old hinge screws. I finally was able to back it out with channel locks and, voila, there were my keys on the Craftsman multi-drawer tool chest.

With Maria's help, I screwed the hinges back into place and, hoping that Dollar General still had some Dean's Egg Nog, I headed downtown.

My luck was in and I scored the last two quarts in the cooler.

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