Friday, March 15, 2019

Feeling out of sorts

I'm still fighting the second - and worst - cold of the season and it's a nasty tenacious mofo.

I've been hacking and wheezing for more than two weeks and, of course, Maria caught it from me and is suffering too.

We've both been taking Mucinex and elderberry syrup and Maria is now on heavy-duty antibiotics trying to walk the delicate line between pneumonia/bronchitis and C-Diff. She tells me most of the people she sees on a daily basis have this or a similar bug, so our misery has lots of company.

The temperature got up to 72 yesterday - the warmest so far this year - but a rainy cold front has the temperatures back down to the mid-30s today. The Groundhog's prediction notwithstanding, this will be a late spring. (The Vernal Equinox is about 5:20 p.m. next Wednesday.)

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