Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fucking pathetic

It's time to turn in my BMW motorcycle mileage for the year for the Indianapolis BMW Motorcycle Club records.

I went out to the shed this afternoon and noted the odometer readings of the two bikes. When I pulled up my previous mileage records, I was absolutely appalled. I rode a pathetic 144 miles this year. One hundred forty-four freaking miles!

It goes without saying that this is the most pathetic mileage figure I've racked up in the 40+ years I've been riding. Hell, I did better than that when all I had was my first bike - a 1970s Kawasaki K175!

Curiously, the odometer readings show I rode 72 miles on each bike.

I took my last ride in Arkansas on April 8 - a short jaunt over to Lake Frierson State Park - before I hauled both bikes up to a friend's barn in Brownsburg the next day. They sat there until I retrieved the K75S on Sept. 18 and rode it home. The battery on the K1200GT was kaput, so I had to have it hauled to the local BMW dealership on Sept. 22. I picked it up there and rode it home a couple of days later. With the exception of a quick 5-6-mile spin on the K75S out to Dairy Queen and back, I have done no more riding in Indiana, largely because of the difficulty involved in backing the bikes up an incline onto our gravel driveway.

It is my fervent hope that we can sell our commercial building in Jonesboro, Ark. and use some of the proceeds to build a proper garage and pave the driveway.

But when they hand out the 10,000-mile awards at the annual club banquet in February, I will come away empty-handed.

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