Friday, July 14, 2017

Sitrep at 72

I woke up this morning (didn't we all?), mildly amused to find that I am now 72 years old.

And living with about half of my stuff and both of my motorcycles 450 road miles away in another state.

We are on the threshold of listing our Arkansas house for sale in what, we are told, is a red-hot seller's market. We have a carpet cleaner scheduled to come this afternoon or evening and anticipate a weekend of frenzied cleaning before we get serious about staging the house and listing it next week.

Our tenants in our Indiana house have been apprised of our intentions and are presumably searching for new accommodations. Since it will take 30 days to close, once we have a buyer, we hope to be back in Indiana in September. Considering that we started hauling stuff north back in January, this has taken way longer than we expected, but then doesn't just about everything?

This project, as I have complained previously, is costing me most of my 2017 riding season, including the BMW RA and BMW MOA national rallies. I'm still holding out hope that I can make the Falling Leaf Rally in Potosi, Mo. on the second weekend of October.

In the meantime, our efforts to sell our commercial building in downtown Jonesboro seem to have stalled out. The logical purchasers appear to have given up because they can't raise the money for a down payment. We had hoped it would sell first and finance our move, and it could still happen, but we have to assume not.

I could complain that I'm too old for this crap, but it doesn't matter and apparently I'm not.

I'm just eager to be done with this project - divested of our Arkansas properties at a modest profit and back in our Indiana house with money to repair a decade of neglect.

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