Monday, August 08, 2016


There are two of the Euro-style hinges on the door to the slider that holds our kitchen trash basket and the upper one let go this morning.

I fiddled with it without success. Even looked at a couple of non-helpful YouTube videos.

Since I already had to go in to town on other business, I stopped by the hardware department at Lowe's in hopes that I could get a solution to my problem.

I found myself talking with a red-vested Lowe's guy who looks a lot like the guy who kept saying "inconceivable" in The Princess Bride.

"Yeah, I have the same problem at my house," he said, adding that he hasn't figured out a fix either. But, he said, a new hinge would probably develop the same problem.

So I came home and fiddled with it some more and finally figured out which screw seems to keep it from disengaging.

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