Saturday, July 02, 2016

Batesville adventure

Here I am relaxing after taking more than 2½ hours to drive about 80 miles to Batesville - a trip that should have been done in about 90 minutes.

There are three genuine routes from Brookland to Batesville, but through a comedy of errors and an unexpected road closure, we ended up wandering around between Walnut Ridge and Newport, doing at least 10 miles on sketchy gravel county roads fit only for farm traffic. Garmin never got the memo about the re-routing of Highway 226 and its closure.

The point of the exercise was to get to Marshall's Dry Goods where Maria could shop for quilting fabric. And that's where we went after a pleasant lunch at the post-conflagration rebuilt Josie's Steakhouse on the east bank of the scenic White River.

Maria is registered as a wholesale customer at Marshall's and brought home six bolts of great fabric.

We came home by a more familiar route that required no GPS assistance.

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