Wednesday, April 20, 2016


When things are broken or unstable, I get uneasy.

And my level of unease is pretty freaking high right now.

Here are the loose ends that bother me:

My K1200GT has been in the shop since March 10 and I still have no idea if or when BMW will come up with a fully functional starter relay. The first rally on my calendar is about a month away.
The people who are supposedly handing a plumbing problem at our Thowntown house say there is $800 worth of work not covered by the home warranty policy we have and they will not begin the work until I pay them. I learned this after their offices closed today, so I can't do anything about it until tomorrow morning.
My son Sean's landlord wants to sell his property, which would dispossess Sean and his Rock & Roll Bed & Breakfast on Sauvie Island, Oregon. I'm frustrated because I can't do anything to help him and I'm going to feel off balance until he gets this sorted out.

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