Saturday, April 09, 2016

GT report

I called Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles yesterday afternoon to see if my bike would be ready to pick up today.


The starter relay (like the one pictured here) that BMW Motorrad in Germany said was shipped a week ago has yet to arrive in Cape Girardeau, so it looks like the earliest I could possibly retrieve my 2003 K1200GT is next Saturday.

Actually, I'm a little relieved because today's high temperature is only going to be in the mid-50s, which is a bit on the cool side albeit doable with the proper gear.

The other upside is that I'm home to collect today's mail, which includes a Bushnell Trophy Xtreme Laser Rangefinder from the Amazon Vine Program for my evaluation and review. It has special features for bow hunting that I'll never use, but I can think of plenty of uses for it, including being able to get an accurate measure of our commercial building's dimensions. Why? Because I think our property tax assessment is too high, based on an erroneously high square footage figure. I haven't done anything about it until now because I don't have a tape measure of sufficient length to easily measure the building.

The laser rangefinder is accurate to +/- 1 yard out to 800 yards, so it should be precise enough for my purposes.

Here's an image I shot with my iPhone showing the distance to a neighbor's yard as 78.1 yards.

The vertical angle is o°, so a bow hunter would calculate it as 78.1 yards also.

I've wanted one of these for a long time, so this is a very pleasant review assignment.

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