Monday, March 28, 2016

Josies 2.0

Josies, our favorite restaurant in Batesville, was destroyed by fire the night of Dec. 6-7, 2014. We've made a habit of lunching there whenever we drive over to replenish Maria's stash of fabric from Marshall's Dry Goods, which is possibly the best fabric outlet in the known universe.

We made the trip again today and while Maria shopped, I located the Batesville post office and mailed a box of custom made house dresses to Maria's mother. Then I drove over to see if Josies had been rebuilt. To my delight, it's back, bigger and better than ever.

Armed with the good news, I went back to Marshall's and picked up Maria and her purchases.

Then we headed for Josies for lunch, only to discover that they aren't open for lunch on Mondays. So our visit to Josies 2.0 will have to wait until the next time we're in Batesville.

Happily, we had an excellent lunch at a nearby Coltons, then cruised on home.

Josies in flames.

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