Sunday, March 13, 2016

Blood sugar spike!

Jonesboro's first-ever Krispy Kreme Doughnuts opened at 6 a.m. yesterday.

We drove past the place a little before 9 a.m. and there was a line of cars a couple of blocks long waiting for the drive-through. After shopping at Sam's Club and Aldi, we slipped into the Ryan's parking lot next door and went inside where we stood in line for about 15 minutes before we could place an order.

I had coffee and Maria had chocolate milk and we got a dozen doughnuts - four chocolate, custard-filled cake for me and eight standard yeast for Maria. I had two of mine in the parking lot and the other two this morning and I could feel my Type 2 diabetic blood sugar spiking both times. I think I'm done with Krispy Kreme at least for the time being.

Considering a trip to Indiana for my friend Art Harris's funeral this week.

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