Thursday, February 11, 2016

New furnace for our commercial building

After two months of searching, my commercial building fixit guy reported this morning that the gas valve needed to repair one of the six furnaces is not available because the unit is too old.

The alternative is to install a new furnace at a cost of $1,900.

It's winter and our tenant's clients are uncomfortably cold in the lobby, so we bite the bullet and buy a new furnace.

Had we known how fragile the building's HVAC systems were, we might not have bought the place.


  1. It is always disappointing when gas valves cannot be found to do repairs. Two months of searching is a long time to do without appropriate heating. Finding the part would have been the more affordable option. Certainly, there are other advantages to simply getting a new furnace. The newer one should have lots of features that the other did not.

  2. It's always difficult when you have a major heating system failure. Usually these incidents don't have a financial reserve that can pay for the outlays. In my experience as a commercial building owner, though, heating and boiler upgrades are worth it in the long run. You get many years of great service from a reputable brand and professional heating company.
