Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Icy start

We awoke to an icy glaze on our cars and on the roads with local TV telling us it's dangerous to drive.

All of the area schools were closed, but Maria's employer was open for business, so she decided to go in a little late. Our next-door-neighbor, who is a teacher whose school was closed, noticed me warming up the Subaru and scraping the glass and called Maria to threaten to kick her ass if she tried to drive on the slick roads.

Maria, who after all learned to drive in snowy icy Indiana winters, assured her she would be careful and went to work. She texted me a short time later to report she arrived safely.

Now it looks like we may get snow Thursday night, which is way better than ice. The only problem with snow and ice here is that Arkansas drivers lack the slick pavement competence of Indiana drivers and become hazards to themselves and each other.

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