Sunday, January 10, 2016

High school flashback

I got snail mail yesterday from a long-lost high school buddy who I haven't seen in more than 40 years.

It contained this Polaroid photo of me at the wheel of my parents' 1957 Ford Fairlaine 500 (with the Thunderbird Special engine). I'm wearing the USMC Marine Corps M-1944 HBT Herringbone Twill Utility Shirt/Jacket that I bought at McHaley's Surplus in Lafayette and wore frequently from the summer of 1962 to well into my freshman year in college in 1963.

I'm sure I saw the photo when it was taken, but I have no recollection of it now more than a half-century later.

Thanks for thinking of me, Bill. I have fond memories of our days in the high school band, pep band and dance band and often wonder how you're doing.

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