Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I’m more impressed than I expected to be with the UP2


I’m evaluating the UP2 wireless activity and sleep tracker by Jawbone for the Amazon Vine Program.

(And by the way, I understand Amazon is under fire for presumably having fake product reviews. I can assure you that every product I have received for evaluation and review has legitimately earned whatever review I gave it. There have been some products that I thought were absolute crap and I said so. At the same time, if I like a product, I’ll say so and to what degree.)

I decided to review the UP2 after seeing it and its big brother, the UP3 at Sam’s Club and becoming intrigued by the promotional material. I evaluated another activity tracker, the NUYU, about a month ago and declared it wildly inaccurate and of little value in a fitness regime.

The UP2 is easily the most stylish, least clunky device of its kind that I’ve seen. It looks like a piece of understated jewelry and is light enough that I hardly notice it when it’s on my wrist.

I’m particularly impressed by the free UP2 app, available for iOS and Android platforms.


Here’s the summary of my sleep and activity on Oct. 18. The software has set goals for me of 8 hours of sleep and 10,000 steps per day. You can see that I’m better at sleeping than I am at stepping.


Here’s the detailed look at how I slept the night of Oct. 17-18.

up2 03

And this is the analysis of my steps/calorie burn. I disagree with the “Longest Active” category considering that I put in 30 minutes on a treadmill that afternoon. But the rest of it seems reasonable.

At least the UP2 and its app motivated me to get onto the treadmill three days in a row.

I think this is something I can stick with for awhile.

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