Monday, September 21, 2015

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it

A little more than 24 hours after I “updated” my desk top computer from Window 7 to Windows 10, I have some serious regrets.

Happily, all of my old programs/apps that I’ve tried still work under Win10, but with some unwelcome changes.

A lot of it can be traced to the fact that I do not have full Win10 functionality.

I can’t use the built-in browser, so I continue to have Chrome as my default browser. The little Windows icon in the bottom left corner does nothing except turn green when I click it. Likewise, the text box next to it is useless. And Microsoft Edge doesn’t do anything at all.

Formerly, when I connected my card reader with a memory card in it, I’d get a little screen offering several options including to download the contents to Adobe Bridge, which is my go-to photo organizer.

Now I have to open Bridge and sort through the various folders and sources to find the card reader and its contents.

Likewise, when I download an image from the Internet, it goes to the non-functioning Microsoft Edge – or at least it tries to – instead of my preferred destination of Photoshop.

And I can’t find my games, so I can’t play Freecell.

The bottom line – I have reduced functionality. Win10 turns out to be worth what I paid for it: nothing.

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