Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday morning rally report

billings mcd2

BILLINGS, MT – I was just settling in for the night in my tent last night when a drunk on a bicycle hit one of the guylines, shaking the tent violently enough for me to think there might be serious damage.

I charged out yelling obscenities and found myself facing off with a flabby, sloppy, helpless looking drunk babbling apologies and beseeching me to be calm. I told him he had just triggered my fight-or-flight mechanism and I wasn’t inclined to run away. He introduced himself as “Buddy” and helped me reset the line and its tent peg before stumbling off walking the red mountain bike he foolishly had tried to ride through a crowded campground. It’s miraculous that mine was the only tent line he hit.

This, friends, is what you have to expect if you camp next to the Airheads club campsite. Never. Again.

I made it to McDonald’s again this morning for breakfast and Wifi and found myself sharing a table with Rick Nelson, who was doing the Sudoku puzzle in the local newspaper.

I think I’m ready to get back on the road. I just hope it doesn’t rain tonight or tomorrow morning because I hate packing a wet tent.

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