Monday, July 13, 2015

Early birthday trip

john bass pro

Maria, Morgan and I drove to Memphis this morning for a visit to the spectacular Bass Pro Shops Pyramid store.

Maria and I were there a month or so ago with one of her brothers and his two sons, but this was Morgan’s first time to experience the place. I think she was impressed.

We broke for lunch at Westy’s North End, a great little bar/restaurant near the Pyramid where they presented me with Bass Pro Shops gift cards they bought while I was out in the parking lot cooling the car down in the blazing 100ยบ+ heat index.

floras westys

They had burgers and I had a bowl of red beans and rice and we capped it off with two servings of Westy’s famous hot fudge pie.

Back at Bass Pro Shops, I applied my gift cards to the purchase of eight place settings of simulated stag handled flatware to go with my cowboy china collection.

flatwareAfter I unpacked the flatware, Morgan noticed there were three price stickers on the boxes, one on top of another.

Peeling away the $29.97 sticker, she found a $39.97 sticker and beneath that was a $49.99 sticker. I got about $100 worth of cool flatware for $59.94 plus tax.

It was a splendid day and a good time was had by all.

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