Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Another BMW brother heard from

badlands jeff

This is Jeff Vestal, a BMW GS rider from North Carolina I met at a gas station/convenience store at the Badlands exit on I-90.

We waited out a hellacious thunder/hail storm there. I wheeled my bike around to the lee side of the store when incredibly strong winds threatened to blow it off of its sidestand. Jeff’’s GS was wisely pointed into the wind and didn’t require shelter.

He sent me an email last night from his motel room in Bloomington, Ill., saying he didn’t get onto the road yesterday until 11 a.m. because of a huge storm and spent the day racing it with the prospect of more to come today.

Those Vistaprint calling cards come in handy.



Jeff sent me this photo marking the end of his 4,868 mile ride on Thursday.

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