Saturday, May 02, 2015

Breakfast with the Masons

masonic pancake 01
We skipped breakfast and hustled down to the first Saturday of the new ASU Farmers Market season where we scoped out the offerings and Maria bought a bar of vegan homemade soap.
Then Maria remembered that we had bought a couple of tickets to the masonic pancake 03Jonesboro Masonic Lodge’s pancake breakfast scheduled for today. I checked my wallet and, sure enough, there they were.
So we drove across town to the Masonic Lodge where we found Morgan’s next-door-neighbor Curtis Pace flipping pancakes.
Three pancakes and generous helpings of bacon and sausage patties, plus coffee for $5 – a way better deal than we could have gotten at McDonald’s and it was fun supporting a good organization.
This little girl sat next to Maria and accepted pieces of pancake from her.

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