Thursday, March 05, 2015

Yeah, it snowed

snowdrift driveway

Yes, that’s a 20” deep snowdrift just outside our garage door.

I think we got about 6-7” of snow overnight on top of an icy crust of sleet. This is the closest thing to an Indiana snowstorm we’ve seen in the 7½ years we’ve lived in Arkansas and it slams the door on any thoughts I may have had about riding to Daytona today or tomorrow or this weekend.

GT snowTravel and commerce has pretty much ground to a stop in Arkansas today as ill-equipped road crews struggle to carve paths through the snow.

Maria isn’t going to work. I don’t think anyone, except our neighbor who blasted through the snow in his Dodge RAM diesel truck, went to work this morning.

I suspect U.S. 49 is passable and maybe so is the main county road, but I don’t expect anyone to plow the streets in our subdivision, so we’re probably stuck here for a couple of days.

Despite the heroic efforts of road crews, the only thing that will restore normalcy here in the mid-South is weather warm enough to melt this crap.

Happily, we have all of the food we require and I thought to get refills on three essential prescriptions yesterday. The generator is fueled and ready, but the freezing rain was short-lived yesterday and there doesn’t seem to be any chance of a power outage unless some hapless moron crashes into a utility pole.

It’s a little puzzling to realize that spring begins two weeks from tomorrow.

I remember the first day of spring when I was in the second or third-grade when the classroom windows were open and I could hear the sweet song of a cardinal. I don’t hear any cardinals today.

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