Thursday, March 12, 2015

I’ve got to admit, it’s getting better

both k bikes

Yesterday was a wonderfully sunny and warm late winter day that inspired me to take both BMWs out for a spin – the K1200GT for a 10-mile romp and the K75S down to the Citgo station to top off the tank.

This morning is a different story.

It’s an overcast 52° with occasional raindrops and the promise of serious rain later in the day.

The ride down to the post office on the K75S recalled another March ride 49 years ago when I rode pillion on Steve Dolbow’s small Japanese bike in very cold rain from Crawfordsville to Terre Haute.

The whole story can be found here:

Being novices at motorcycle travel, we were ill-equipped for the weather that miserable Sunday.

This morning was different. I did my post office ride with a waterproof First Gear Kilimanjaro jacket over a wind-stopping Willis & Geiger Diaplex pullover, with waterproof boots and Kevlar-lined leather gauntleted gloves and a full-face helmet. It was reasonably comfortable, but chilly enough around the edges to remind me of that ride in March, 1966.

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