Monday, February 23, 2015

Weather or not

bike-week-2015Daytona Beach Bike Week starts at the end of next week and I’m still undecided about whether to go.

Our driveway is still a mess of sleety ice, even though the main roads are all clear. I would be hard pressed to get a motorcycle out of our subdivision today and am mindful that we may not have seen the last of this ugly winter weather.

To assume that it couldn’t happen again in March would be to ignore an even worse sleet/ice event that happened the night of March 2-3 last year that had us pretty much frozen in place until March 8 when our neighbor used his pickup truck to pull the Subaru to a place where it could get some traction.

As I have said several times before, the weather is a huge factor on whether Bike Week is a do-able thing for me.

I got a text message yesterday from my old Indianapolis News compadre Skip Hess saying I am welcome to visit him and his wife at their new home in suburban Tampa, Fla. I could ride there, hang out with him for a couple of days and then cruise over to Daytona if it looks like any of the Indianapolis BMW Club crowd will be there. If not, I could just come on home.

If I go at all.

We shall see.

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