Monday, February 16, 2015

No big deal


Dire predictions of several inches of sleet and snow from Winter Storm Octavia proved wildly inaccurate last night and this morning.

As expected, the sleet arrived about 9 p.m. yesterday, but it was intermittent and light. We ended up with an inch or two – not enough to cover all of the leaves on the ground, but enough to freak out the schools and businesses in the region.

I warmed up the Subaru for Maria, melting the light coat of ice from the windshield and windows, and she motored in to work in Jonesboro. Being a native Hoosier, she learned long ago how to drive on snow and ice, so the only real peril was from Arkansans who are clueless on slick pavement.

So Octavia wasn’t even a storm worthy of a name around here, although she may gather momentum as she churns eastward and up the Atlantic coast.

No need for our generator and the cable TV and internet stayed on.

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