Saturday, January 03, 2015

Fusion Media loses another customer



Looks like the Rainwaters, who live close enough to us that I could shoot these pictures from my front yard, are fed up with Fusion Media cable service after nearly three weeks of on-and-off service.

They’re having DirectTV installed today.

I have to admit that I’m having a hard time staying positive about Fusion Media’s recovery efforts, especially when they promised us a week’s credit as compensation, yet the bill that arrived Friday was for the full amount.

I thought I would give my spirits a lift this afternoon by taking my first motorcycle ride of the new year, even if it was just to the post office.

The weather radar shows the rain has moved on, but failed to prepare me for the heavy mist that had windshield wipers flapping back and forth on the cars I met on the highway.

zumo buttonAnd my mood turned seriously black when I got home and found the rubber cover for the on/off switch of my GPS was gone. This means the unit can still be turned off and on, but is no longer weatherproof.

I did some online research, including checking with the site and discovered that Garmin no longer supports the Zumo 550.

It seems this vanishing button cover issue is not an uncommon problem for Zumo users. Back when Garmin still supported the unit, they were able to send their Zumo to the company and get a refurbished 550 back. But those days are over and it looks like I may be fucked.

I really hadn’t planned to buy a new GPS for the 2015 riding season, but barring some miracle, I may be forced to replace the 550 rather than repair it.

Oh, and today’s mail brought two contradictory notices about Maria’s Obamacare health insurance. One confirms her coverage and the other suggests it has lapsed. It’s a good thing this is Saturday and the Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield offices are closed, because I really don’t have the patience to try to sort this out with someone with a sub-room temperature I.Q. who will almost certainly question whether I am authorized to speak in behalf of my wife, even though they have documents on file granting me that authority.

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