Tuesday, December 02, 2014

At last! My entire music library on my iPhone!


I have an enormous (by my standards, anyway) iTunes music library and only a fraction of it will fit on my 32GB iPhone 5, so I’ve been rotating music in and out of the phone to suit my moods.

But that’s changing and I credit Morgan with discovering the fix.

Those of us who have Amazon Prime accounts can use the Amazon Music app on our computers and other devices – including iPhones – to stream music from our libraries, making in unnecessary to carry around hundreds and thousands of music files in the local device memory.

When I loaded the app and launched it in my phone, I found I had access to every song and album I’ve ever bought from Amazon.com. But wait, there’s more!

You can upload your entire music library for streaming. At the moment, I have 11,539 songs in my iTunes library, which made it necessary for me to pay another $24.99 for a year of storage for up to a quarter-million songs.

Some of the songs display the lyrics when they play on my phone and many offer Prime members streaming rights to several other songs by the same artist.

About half of my iTunes library consisted of songs that matched Amazon’s catalog, which means they didn’t have to be uploaded from my computer – Amazon just grabbed a copy from its catalog, usually at a higher digital sampling rate for better sound quality. Those only took a couple of hours to include in my Amazon library. It looks like it’s going to take about three days to complete the process of uploading copies from my library that don’t match the Amazon catalog.

The original files, of course, remain on my desktop computer hard drive.

And streaming works fine on my Sprint 3/4G network connection. No need for Wifi to stream.

I am very impressed at the way Amazon keeps adding value to Prime membership.

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