Monday, October 20, 2014


My bank debit card is worn out. It developed a crack that makes if difficult to use with card readers and, besides, it was issued by Liberty Bank before it became Centennial Bank.

So I dropped by the bank this morning to get a new card, preferably with the same number since it’s on record with a few businesses where I have an online account.

But it turns out that my card number, as well as Maria’s, is on a list of compromised debit card numbers from a recent hack of The Home Depot’s database.

The young man at the bank said new cards were mailed to us on Oct. 15 and should appear in our mailbox today or tomorrow.

And since the numbers were compromised, we have new debit card numbers, which will necessitate some extra work online to get accounts updated.

Thanks for being negligent, Home Depot.

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