Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Back from Hoosierland

austinmegantractorMy blogging didn’t amount to much over the holiday weekend because I was insanely busy with events surrounding the wedding of my stepson Austin Dunbar and his fiance Megan Gill.
The venue was Dull’s Christmas Tree Farm east of Thorntown, Ind.
We – Maria and I and my stepdaughter Morgan – drove up on Saturday, arriving about 9 p.m. Indiana time.
We were at the wedding venue for several hours Sunday, setting things up and rehearsing the ceremony before we drove up to Lafayette to an Irish pub for the rehearsal dinner.
Monday – Labor Day – we were back at the big red barn at the Christmas tree farm before noon to finish up preparations and the bride walked down the aisle at precisely 3:45 p.m.
Maria, Morgan and I shot pretty much every part of the day from multiple angles and ended up with about 3,000 images to sort and edit.
Austin’s dad, Dan Dunbar, brought an antique Farmall tractor that was part of his father’s collection and the bride and groom departed the barnyard on it at the end of the day.
johnlongdayWe had toyed with the idea of leaving for Indiana right after the reception, but we were sweat-soaked and wrung out from three rather intense days and would not have been safe doing an overnight 7-hour drive from Indiana to Arkansas.
Consequently, we went back to Maria’s parents’ Thorntown home for a third night and rolled out Tuesday morning.

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