Wednesday, July 16, 2014

You can’t hit a home run every time at bat

“Weird Al” Yankovic is releasing eight new videos in eight days.

Yesterday’s release was the second in the series of videos from his new album Mandatory Fun and it was one of the funniest, smartest WAV videos ever.

I hung around the house this morning to see today’s release and it turns out I needn’t have bothered. “Foil” is vaguely amusing, but just vaguely.

So now I’m sipping coffee at Panera waiting to take Maria to a late lunch at 1 p.m. (Her office breaks for lunch from 1-2 p.m.)

The weather here is deliciously cool for mid-July. For the second day in a row we have temperatures in the 70s and sunny skies, thanks to a high pressure cell loaded with cool Canadian air.

Riding in to town, I met a guy on a BMW R1100RS loaded for touring and heading north, almost certainly bound for next week’s BMW Motorcycle Owners of America national rally in St. Paul, Minn. I can only hope the weather will be this nice when I leave for the rally next week.

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