Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday morning rally report

moa internet

Here I am at the Internet Cafe where the phone recharging, Wifi and bananas are free, although a donation is appreciated.

I made the mistake of eating too much too late last evening and paid the price with brutal indigestion about 2 a.m. That, plus the high humidity and lack of a breeze made for a long, uncomfortable night. I didn’t get to sleep properly until I peeled back the rain fly on my tent to let the heat and humidity escape.

I was up with the sun about 6 a.m., chatted with Charlie at the coffee stand he runs and had some interesting conversations with interesting riders from Dallas, Paducah, and British Columbia.

Yesterday was overcast, which kept my tank bag solar panel from properly charging the storage module that, in turn, charges my iPhone, so I grabbed my netbook and iPhone charging cord and headed for the MOA Building.

I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with the rest of the day, except to say that I have no plans to leave the Fairgrounds.

Charlie graciously agreed to haul my waterproof bag full of camping stuff home in his trailer, so I can made the ride back to Arkansas unencumbered.

gs giants

I spent a few minutes watching people struggle with rudimentary off-road maneuvers on the GS Giants course and concluded there are a lot of GS riders who should never leave the pavement.

I’d like to think I still have enough of my dirt skills from trail riding courses in the 1980s to show these kids how it’s done, at least on a 650 GS. Doing this stuff on a 1200 GS is like trying to get an elephant to climb a ladder.

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