Saturday, July 05, 2014

If a school corporation is judged by the quality of its communications, Delphi fails miserably.

I went to grade school, junior high and high school in Delphi, Ind. and find it embarrassing and alarming to see the gaffes posted on the Delphi Community School Corp. Facebook page.

Here are some examples:

  • Mrs. Israel & Mrs. Theobald as Grand Marshall's for the Delphi Lion's Club Annual Independence Day Parade!
  • Mrs. Gasser is very proud of all the students that chose to participate in the summer math program at DCES!
  • ATTENTION: DCSC Parents, Students, Families and Friends please be very cautious when traveling near the school corporation. INDOT has removed the traffic light that was put in place to assist with the Hoosier Heartland construction. It has only been down for several hours and there has already been an accident. We wanted the light to remain in place for the safety of our community however INDOT felt that the criteria was not met and therefore it was removed earlier today. Please be advised that traffic north and south bound on 421 has the right of way and does not stop.
  • Our outing going 8th Grade DCMS students leaving a wreath at the Challenger Memorial during their trip to Washington D.C.
  • Congratulations to all the Seniors that are being honored this evening at Senior Awards Night!
  • Each of our Faculty & Staff Members that work throughout the school corporation were surprised with a treat from an anonymous tax payer! Thank you to the community member that recognized all of our staff members!
  • Our Camden Early Childhood Center Kindergartener's had a great time yesterday on their field trip to Columbia Park!

And the “anonymous tax payer” characterized himself/herself as being “greatful.”

This dovetails nicely with an earlier blogpost about some of my classmates who can’t write a simple declarative sentence on Facebook without a spelling, grammar or punctuation error.

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