Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Brats and banks


Our neighbors on the other side of the woods are David and Cheryl Head who operate Nine Oaks Farm, a beef cattle ranch that specializes in raising antibiotic, hormone and steroid-free cows.

They sell some of their beef at the Arkansas State University Farmers Market on Saturday mornings and we bought a dozen of their bratwursts – six regular and six Italian – last weekend.

I pulled out a couple of the regular brats this evening and grilled them for dinner. Maria isn’t much for bratwurst or any kind of sausage, but she’s running late and I have to eat early, so there it is.

I was sitting on the K75S, waiting for the teller to process a check I was depositing in our bank account this morning when I glanced up and noticed a big poster advertising the bank’s iPhone app and its ability to make deposits by photographing the check to be deposited.

Maria gave me her paycheck when we met for lunch and, since I didn’t have anymore deposit slips with me, I brought it home and used the app to make the deposit. I’ve been coveting that capability ever since I saw a commercial for Wells Fargo Bank and its smartphone app.

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