Saturday, July 12, 2014

Back from Indiana


This is the famous Frozen Custard next to Columbian Park in Lafayette, Ind.

It looms large in my childhood memories because my parents used to drive me from our Delphi home to Lafayette so I could swim in the big oval Columbian Park pool.

Afterward, we would repair to the Frozen Custard where I would usually have one of their insanely thick chocolate malts.

donpablosWe stopped by the Frozen Custard Thursday afternoon after meeting Maria’s parents and her brother Kerstan and his wife Kim for lunch at Don Pablo’s.

I had a Purdue-inspired Black and Gold (chocolate and caramel) sundae topped with a handful of peanuts. I shoulda got a malt.

We closed out our whirlwind visit to Indiana with breakfast this morning with Indianapolis BMW Club friends at Shapiro’s deli in downtown Indianapolis.

Other than BMW Club folks, we spent almost all of our time with Maria’s family, along with brief chats with a couple of our former neighbors.

The time flew by and we left wishing we’d had time to visit Skip and Gloria Hess and Jim and Lauri Shillings and a whole bunch of other people who are dear to us.

We drove more than 1,200 miles from Monday morning until we rolled into our driveway at 6:15 p.m. today.

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