Wednesday, June 25, 2014



I tend to be a creature of habit, when the habit suits me anyway.

predictable01 I rode down to Panera this morning for my favorite late breakfast – dark roast coffee in a mug and a cheese Danish.

Before I could say anything, Jerry the cashier handed me a mug, saying, “Coffee in a mug and a cheese Danish?”

I smiled in acknowledgment and he handed me the plated Danish he put together when he saw me ride up on my 2003 BMW K1200GT. I parked in one of the three spaces just outside the restaurant, which I always do when space is available, because I can keep an eye on my bike that way. It also put me in view of the cashier stations.

I have become utterly predictable, which I guess isn’t hard to pick up on if you’re paying attention to what I do.

Kudos to Jerry for paying attention.

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