Friday, June 06, 2014

Insurance report

Our power went out again about midnight last night and is still out as of 9 a.m.

I’m wrapping up my breakfast and Wifi work at Panera and will head home to fire up the generator and see if I can save the refrigerator contents.

I inspected the damage at our building with our fixit guy this morning and just got off the phone with the adjuster who pointed out that our wind and hail deductible is a percentage of the total insured value of the building, which means the door repair would have to amount to more than $46,000 before insurance kicks in. Fortunately, we have a contingency fund that will handle the door repair.

There also appears to be some roof leakage stemming from the ice storm earlier this year which may exceed the $2,500 deductible. I hope to get a roof guy up there to check it out today or Monday.

Never a dull moment, eh?

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