Tuesday, June 24, 2014

47 years ago today

J&D wedding 01

I married Diane Kroon of Lafayette, Ind. J&D wedding 0247 years ago today.

The marriage lasted 26 years and produced two sons who have grown into supremely talented and genuinely good men, so we got a few things right.

It was an insanely hot Saturday afternoon and it was before air conditioning came to the Lafayette Christian Church.

The wedding wasn’t very well photographed because the photographer – whose name I have mercifully forgotten – shot all of the wedding party setups with no film in his camera. It’s a shame because that’s the last time I ever wore a white dinner jacket.

We left immediately for a honeymoon on Table Rock Reservoir near Branson, Mo., driving my parents’ un-air conditioned 1964 Mustang, stopping the first night at the Holiday Inn in Champaign, Ill.

We came from dissimilar families and modeled on parents who played vastly different roles in the home. We were too naïve to realize that might be why we had trouble living up to each other’s expectations in the relationship.

Happily, we each chose more wisely the second time around and are settled in more harmonious and happy relationships.

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