Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The egg hunters


It was Easter, 1952 and we were waiting to be turned loose to hunt Easter eggs.

The structure in the background is probably the shelter house at the Delphi City Park on the east end of town.

I have absolutely no recollection of this event, but I was obviously there because I’m the third boy from the left in the front row. I’m talking to Jack Klepinger and I clearly remember his cool Confederate kepi. I also remember the green-and-white cap I’m wearing in the photo.

The first kid in the front row is Robert Bowen and the kid to my left holding a basket is Terry Lamb. That’s feisty little Chuck Martin in the striped sweater and suspenders, ready to charge.

This was the spring of our first grade year and two years before I got my first pair of eyeglasses. I thought I could see OK, but discovered a whole new world when I got glasses in the third grade.

Everyone in this photo who is still alive is in their late 60s.

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